Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Glee Review - Hell-O


So, I rather like Glee. The music is good, the jokes are hit or miss, but the funny ones are very funny, and I enjoy watching the plot and laughing at how much of a soap opera it really is.

Seriously, the emotional roller coaster that is Glee has more ups and downs than [insert thing with a lot of ups and downs here]. Take this episode for example.

At the end of last season Will had finally found out that his wife had lied to him about having a baby and left her, and gotten together with Emma. Finn had finally found out Puck was the father of Quinn's baby, and left HER, and gotten together with Rachel. So let's show what the relationships relevant to this episode are so far.

Rachel and Finn.
Will and Emma.

Then, Finn leaves Rachel to go on a date with 2 cheerleaders. At once. Ok then. So Rachel meets a guy from the rival Glee club, and starts dating him! So the score is now:

Rachel and Jessie.
Finn and Two Cheerleaders.
Will and Emma.

Will goes to give a talking to with the leader of Vocal Adrenaline (The rival glee club.), and after about 30 seconds they're hooking up. What? After A WHOLE SEASON OF GETTING TOGETHER WITH EMMA? Jerk.

Rachel and Jessie.
Finn and Two Cheerleaders.
Will and Shelby. (The actor for Shelby was cast because she looked so much like Rachel. Creepy.)
Emma and ___.

He realizes what a GIANT JERK HE'S BEING and tells her he can't be with her.

Rachel and Jessie.
Finn and Two Cheerleaders.
Will and Emma. Ish.

Finn goes on a date with the two cheerleaders. He realizes they don't really like him. Dumps them.

Rachel and Jessie.
Will and Emma?

Terri convinces Emma that Will still isn't over her yet, and Emma tells Will they need to take time before being a couple.

Rachel and Jessie

Finally the Glee club tells Rachel that Jessie is playing her, and she fake breaks up with him. So now it's

Rachel and Jessie. (But it's a secret.)

So yeah. What is this I don't even

However, I really do like this show, both because the music covers they do are AMAZING, and because the show is actually funny. Take Sue for example. Sue is the "Villain" of the show. She's also one of the more likable characters, and one of the least evil if you ask me.

It's hysterical just how freaking insane she is, and how much she wants the glee club destroyed for no apparent reason.

I think she might be my favorite character. Ok, Emma is my favorite character. Then her.

But the just plain evilness of the other characters, namely Terri, Quinn, and this Jessie kid, is just ridiculous. Ah well, two episodes from now who knows what the relationship status will be with these people. I sure don't.

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